Annex Program Model:
Students enrolled in Whittier School's annex classrooms receive academic instruction aligned to priority Common Core State Standards (CCSS), Core Content Connectors (CCC) and Essential Understandings focused on activity-based learning that integrates academic content with communication and social skills. Instruction designed to prepare students for the transition from the school environment to an adult day program or work experience. Students participate in community-based instruction and work experience training on and off campus. The amount of time each student spends in the community varies depending on individual needs and need for support. Transition plans drive each student's activities; transition plans are developed collaboratively with students, school services, and post-school services with the goal of preparing students to work and live independently.
Whittier's Transition program works collaboratively with TRACE. The student and IEP team will determine if and when a transition to TRACE is appropriate.